Robbinsdale Area Schools
Middle School
RMS marketing video

Learn more: Robbinsdale Middle School

Discover what makes Robbinsdale Middle School a place where students can Believe, Belong and Become. Watch the video

Students working on a computers

Become who you are meant to be.

The possibilities are infinite.

Group of students sitting together

Belong to a community.

Discover your passion for learning.

Students playing instruments

Ignite your passion for music.

Explore our fine arts programming.

Robbinsdale Middle School

Dedicated to providing rigorous and collaborative educational opportunities for all learners. 

Principal's Welcome

Shirrie Jackson

Full Service Community Schools

Full service community schools partners with local agencies to provide health and social services to students, families and community.

Tools for families

Make an online payment, get help with your Parent Portal, and learn about community resources.

Family Involvement

Stay connected 

Students thrive when there is a strong partnership between family, school and community. 

Technology levy renewal

Learn more about the levy renewal. Don't forget: election day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.


Summer Programming

In Rdale's camp-like summer programs, students unplug, have fun, and socialize with friends.

School News

drawing of groceries in bag

A free small bag of groceries is available for interested students each Friday who are signed up. Parents/guardians can sign up at any time during the school year. Please fill out the following short interest form.   KIDPACK registration link   Thank you!

School Calendar

Happening Now