Robbinsdale Area Schools invites families, staff, and community members to a Town Hall on Thursday, Jan. 23, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Armstrong High School.
Robbinsdale Middle School
Dedicated to providing rigorous and collaborative educational opportunities for all learners.
School News
The Robbinsdale Area Schools Board of Education begins 2025 with new leadership and a fresh addition to its ranks.
A free small bag of groceries is available for interested students each Friday who are signed up. Parents/guardians can sign up at any time during the school year. Please fill out the following short interest form. KIDPACK registration link Thank you!
Apply to join the Reimagine Rdale: Vision 2030 Team. Help lead the transformation of our district.
Hey RMS Students! It’s time to clean out your backpack and binder! Repair any broken materials, check that you still have supplies, and charge your Chromebook and bring it to school every day.
Some students may be starting new electives or courses. Please remind them to stay organized and reach out to teachers, counselors, and support staff if they need any assistance in transitioning.
Congratulations to our RMS Students of the Month: Glory N, Jackie O., Kai S., and Maggie C. We celebrate these students for demonstrating our IB profile traits of Inquirer, Balanced, Principled, and Risk Taker during the month of December.