Robbinsdale Area Schools
Middle School

About Us


Welcome to Robbinsdale Middle School (RMS), where a wide world of learning opportunities is open to all. We provide a strong foundation of social and emotional support for students, who study world languages, music and much more through the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme.


RMS places a high priority on the social and emotional health of both young people and adults. Students and families will find this reflected in our staffing and programs. 

As middle schoolers learn to take risks, they still sometimes need and want to be held close. At RMS, we make it a point to ensure every student is known and understood by at least one caring adult- in a way that goes beyond the superficial. For the same reason, we offe1- affinity groups that help young people find kindred spirits and lift each other up at a key time in their lives. We strive to offer a supportive environment where everyone can learn. 

Our academic programs are aligned across subjects and teach many aspects of an issue at once. Every student takes a world language class and music, and all have access to robotics, coding, and other STEM {science, technology, engineering and math) skills through Gateway to Technology. Heritage speakers can advance their Spanish-language skills to prepare for high school, reading and writing in two languages. The Middle Years Programme continues the International Baccalaureate course of study for all, with its emphasis on global perspective and student-driven inquiry. 

Our students come from a rich tapestry of cultural and linguistic backgrounds and know they are valued in our school, where we strive constantly to become more equitable as we address the issues of our times. 

RMS is a full-service community school (FSCS), which means we focus on academics, health,
social services, youth development, and community engagement to improve student learning
and strengthen families and communities.

students standing by lockers


Students will attend either Armstrong or Cooper High School based on their home address. 

school pathway for RMS

School Improvement Plan (SIP)