Robbinsdale Area Schools

Earn high school and college credits this summer

Earn high school and college credits this summer

College and Career Now! is a free program for incoming students in 9th through 12th grade. Students take college courses, earning both high school and college credits.

The program runs June through July, with courses offered during 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Classes will be virtual/online. The registration deadline is May 14, 2021. College and Career Now! is offered in partnership with Hennepin Technical College and Minneapolis Community & Technical College.

Register here

Additional information:

  • FREE TUITION (class and book provided at no cost)
  • Orientation is required upon registration
  • If participants stop attending any course(s), they must withdraw from the course by notifying the program coordinator or risk receiving a failing grade on their college transcript.
  • You must have at least a 2.6 Cumulative to qualify for these classes; however, there is no GPA requirement is for students who are interested in taking Strategies for College Success class. 
  • For inquiries or questions, please contact or

Information sessions -- via zoom: